Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Homemade Bread and Sword Play

Morning explorations.

Lots of figuring out.

At Morning Huddle, we decided to make bread - the perfect thing on such a chilly day.

We also made a pretty giant mess - one of our better ones.

We gathered ingredients and began measuring and pouring them into the bread maker.

We were able to focus, despite the pirate invasion going on around us.

We put a few ingredients on the table, so friends could check them out fully.

The Catbirds monitored the bread's progress all day (it was a four hour cycle!)

We went out and had some sword play with foam pipe insulation. These "duels" are closely refereed, and full of rules - soe of which are very silly.

Back inside for Morning Meeting. We read our first Biography, about Helen Keller.

Friends covered their eyes and ears, to get a sense of what it would be like to be deaf and blind.

We talked about writing our own autobiographies, and explained the first homework. Some friends have already brought in their baby pictures, and they shared them with the group. Over lunch, we began to discuss what we knew about being babies, and the questions we might ask our families.

Choice Time.

The bread baked during rest time, and the whole room smelled amazing. When it was ready, we sliced it up - still very warm - and the Catbirds gobbled it up!

Afternoon Tea with fresh wheat bread.

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