Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Upon the Discovery of Snow...

And a little literacy...

We are grateful for the privilege of spending our days with your children!
Have a lovely Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 24, 2014


Our morning, off to a good start!

Elsa came to visit.

Spanish Class!
Today we worked on our colors.

Spanish was exhausting.

We had Morning Huddle, and then headed outside.

We didn't need coats! 

It was so nice out, we brought snack outside.

Raji made us some paper airplanes.

Friends organized for group games. There was lots of negotiating.

Morning Meeting. We read a biography of Roberto Clemente.

Moment of Silence.

We played a game with our baby pictures. Carol showed them one at a time, and friends had to point at who they thought it was in the picture.

It was SOOO hard not to shout it out.

We talked about doing the illustration for our autobiography, and friends helped Carol draw herself on the white board. We paid attention to shapes, and how little things - like eyebrows - could change the whole face.

We practiced making faces and looking at each others' faces.

At Choice Time, friends got right to work.