Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Our Day, With and Without Photos

Sign in has become increasingly colorful.

We heard some strange sounds coming from Raji's Kindergarten, so we went to investigate. We were invited in to learn about the trombone>

We headed off for Meeting for Worship - in the meetinghouse with all of the lower school. We have no pictures of this part of our day, but the Catbirds did great!

Afterwords, we went to climb trees.

Then headed to the Puddle Tree to have snack. We stopped to visit our trees.

We also found some interesting bugs.

We found a short cut to the Art Room and Amanda let us in the back door.

She demonstrated how to roll out the clay and to use a leaf to make an imprint.

The Catbirds really enjoyed the clay.

The Catbirds asked to go back out the back door and spend some time on the big kids playground.

There was a lot going on on the playground.

Back inside.