Sunday, September 8, 2024

Getting Started - Our Busy First Week


The Catbirds took good cattr of our guinea pigs, Steve and Greg, this week. They spent lots of time feeding them grass and carrots.

Friends met up with familiar faces out on the playground.

Snack Time!

Our first story.

Exploring activities around the room - the sandbox is an early favorite


We made some Flubber together and friends were eager to test it out.

We started working on our sign ins.

And taking attendance.

Building an amazing structure together.

The drawing table is always open and friends are regularly working on art projects.

We are working on talking in a group, which is how we make our best plans and come up with new ideas

Learning a new song (and dance).


Preparing to head out 

Getting out the wagon for our first adventure

We stopped in the office to let them know we would be out adventuring. Andrea invited us into her office and even gave us stickers!

Sometimes, we like to start off by going down the slide.

Tree climbing

We found some cool treasures

We pretty much filled up the wagon with treasures


Got out some new toys for building this morning.

Introduced friends to the counting hands. We use these for counting (of course) and for deciding how much time there should be before we move to our next activity. This often involves math.

Just silliness

We found some new dress up clothes.

Paula came to visit.

The sandbox gets messy and it takes some teamwork to clean it up.


We are painting the letters of our first names so that we can make out tree cookies (you will see these soon)

And we are also just painting.

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