Sunday, October 2, 2022

A Week in the Life of the Catbirds

 This post takes us from Friday (23rd) to Friday (30th). It was a busy week as we begin to master our routines and dive into the things we would like to learn.

Last Friday we packed up our snacks and headed out with Raji's kindergarten class to one of our favorite spots to hang out on campus. There's places to run, balance, roll in the grass, explore and sit on benches. We spent the morning together and then had Scary Story!

On Tuesday, we spent some time outdoors and set up some new challenges for theCatbirds in the classroom

Some friends are working on their writing skills. learning to trace letters or connect the dots. This week, the Catbirds built a performance area and started a band. Initially a percussion group, they began to add more instruments as the day, and week, went on. We also began peeling crayons, in preparation for a craft project in the coming week.

We also finished our tree cookies, which we use for a range of tasks and games - including forming pairs and teams, and taking turns.

Art class and oil pastels.

Baby washing.

Lots of mixing, hauling and working together.

Music class!

Our first assembly.

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