Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Rocks and Self Portraits

The Catbirds were very excited to be back together today and we had some time to play and talk and catch up this morning.

We also had a Dance Party.

After clean up, we opened our rock tumbler after a week of running with fine grit.

Friends were eager to look and smell and touch the watery clay inside.

They were as eager to see the goop dumped in the toilet.

Friends touched the clay and felt how quickly it dried on their hands.

We headed outside, where the boat set sail.

And fancy sand buildings were crafted.

There was a hair salon aboard our ship, as well as an infestation of zombies.

At Morning Meeting, we discussed skin color and matched ourselves up to some multicultural crayons. The Catbirds then instructed Carol as to how to draw a self portrait.

We opened a game table today and introduced some ways to play.

Friends gave our rocks some closer examination.

Others began their self portraits.

Before we knew it, lunch was over and we were reading books. 
Another lovely day!

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