Monday, October 7, 2019

Same and Different

Morning activities.

Then we headed over to Alicia's for Spanish!

Today's snack helper.

Building castles.

Table wiper job.

We had two books to choose from today and we began by studying their covers. Catbirds worked hard to figure out the ways that the covers were the same and different. They noticed that both had a cat, but that the cats were different. They also noticed differences in text color and book size and in the cats' expressions. We are working on noticing as a skill, as well as using this skill to make decisions.

Next, we had snack and then some time outside.

Next we headed for the library.

Michelle read us an autumnal story about a scarecrow.

Then we used our noticing skills to choose new books.

Morning meeting.

Making the decisions about what to do...

Outdoor music!

Finding some bugs!

Table work inside.

Vicki read us a story.

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