Tuesday, March 19, 2019


After we got signed in and jobs done, some friends played with the locks and keys. This is a great fine motor task as well as one that helps friends learn their numbers by matching keys to locks.

Trains and dramatic play were, as is our usual pattern these days, in full swing.

Alicia came by to deliver some coloring books that she made for us to take home over break. They have words and pictures of the transportation words that we have learned.

Then, it was time to decide on our pasta!

We took a look at the 6 different kinds we could make, and the Catbirds gave them each a name.
From left to right: Swirl, Mac and Cheese, Bumpy, Finger, Grinder and Box.

Then each friend voted for their favorite. Mac and Cheese won handily and, after a second vote, Swirl was chosen (aka bucatini and rigatoni).


 One of our Catbird parents set up the fancy pasta making machine and we divided the Catbirds into 3 groups to begin the process.

We added flour and eggs.

Made it into dough.

While some friends were making pasta, others had Choice Time. Playing with flubber was a little like making pasta!

Everyone got a turn to help make a batch of dough. We, of course, put flour on our noses (some friends put flour all over their faces), because we always do that when we bake.

We had to wait a little while for the dough to rest, then it was time to start rolling the dough into balls and putting it through the machine.

First we made rigatoni.

It was fun to look at it going down the chute.

We laid it out on a tray, then wrapped it up and put it in the refrigerator until tomorrow.

Then we headed outside!

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