Monday, February 25, 2019

A Special Delivery

                                                                      Signing in

                                                            Dramatic play and trains!

                                                   Our friends wanted a little snack!

                                                Some friends worked at the writing center and delivered their letter..

                                                                   letter delivery

                                                                Getting set up for snack time!

                                                              A story before snack

 After snack we went on an adventure! We went to Tyson House to pick up a giant package!

                                                           We pushed it to the door.....

                                        we had to figure out how to get it down the steps...

                                                          and put it in the wagon

                                                                      We did it!

                                                   Next, we had to get it out of the wagon!
                                              After all that hard work it was time to play

                                                 Back inside for choice time and a story

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