Friday, November 30, 2018

Creating Stories Together

After our sign in...

...a Catbird suggested that we make an ice cream pie. So we looked up a recipe. He thought the mint chocolate chip one looked good. So then, he had to survey the whole class to make sure everyone likes mint chocolate chip ice cream. He did and we made a graph. It was 100 percent yes to the question. So next week, we will be making mint chocolate chip pie.

We had some spinning this morning.

We are also working on friends being able to make letters with their hands, which is deceptively difficult. We practiced forming a "C" by holding a round block.

We had some delicious snack (manzanas roja y verde y galletas graham con queso de crema!). If you don't know what that is, try asking your Catbird, we are doing our snacks in Spanish. Then we headed outside.

The Catbirds have begun a storytelling unit, with Mini Bear Witness as the consistent character and other characters being drawn out of the Treasure Chest. Some days, the Catbirds come up with the setting/s and the problem, but today, Mini Bear Witness came with a problem between friends who wanted to go two different ways when Mini Bear Witness wanted to stay with both of them. 

The Catbirds are enthusiastic storytellers and eager to offer their ideas. We love the group storytelling format and will continue with these, but eventually we will ask individual Catbirds to create their own stories.

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