Thursday, February 8, 2018

Enjoying the Fruits of Our Labor

This fine day began with: sticker sharing and train talk...

....make-believe meal making...

...making a major highway system while negotiating the many interpersonal twists and turns...

...and making art and letters.

Soon it was time to make music!

We had a story and some rhyming fun before sitting down for our pretzel day snack.

Then we headed outside!

At morning meeting we opened up the dehydrator to see how our latest batch of fruit came out. Pineapples were the big winner today, followed by apples with bananas coming in last (although the teachers loved them). Our next batch of green grapes weren't ready yet, but our ongoing fruit experiments are winning with theCatbirds!

Next Carol demonstrated how we were going to make a very special card game, using our pajama day photos.

Some of the beads we made were dry and Carol showed friends how to paint them.

Friends were eager to get started at Choice Time.

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