Thursday, September 7, 2017

Meeting More Friends.

Today the Catbirds started their day like pros - things ran so smoothly you would have thought they were all veteran! The guinea pigs are a very popular stop throughout the day and they always come out to greet their friends.

This morning there were several spontaneous dance parties in the music area.

 Friends had fun exploring materials at the tables.

We had our first music class! Keisha came to us and we learned some of our beginning and end song, as well as how to give each other some "shine."

We went around and learned the rhythm of each others names.

Then it was snack time.

We headed outside and got to spend time with the Cardinals, Sparrows and both kindergartens!

There was building, cooking, carrying and chasing.

Back inside, we gathered to talk and read a story.

Today we read, "Oh No!'" and the Catbirds chimed in throughout the book.

Lunchtime came quickly, and new friends are already beginning to enjoy the camaraderie and conversation. At rest time, we listened to a story, and many Catbirds fell asleep. It was a lovely day in Catbirdland!

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