Monday, May 1, 2017


Morning greeting time and then we were off to...


Alicia challenged the Catbirds by putting out all of word cards.

We did great!

The Catbirds did all kinds of engineering today, with big blocks, tiny blocks and with a new maze building activity.

After we got it all set up, friends built their own mazes, putting together a run from start to finish. Each had to be measured with a spacer to ensure that the roads were wide enough.

Then we tested them out!

Our book of the week, "Milo and the Magical Stones," was a big favorite. It is a story with two endings - a happy and a sad one. We read the happy one first, and the sad one when we came back inside. Friends had their own ideas about endings, too.

Outside time, there were many special dishes being prepared.

And friends testing their physical skills.

As well as monsters and robots.

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