Friday, March 3, 2017

Vacuuming the Catbirds

On Thursday afternoons, a fifth grader and friend of Carol's will be joining the Catbirds to help out at table time. He is particularly good with young friends, which is how he and Carol met. The Catbirds were very happy to meet him yesterday..

This morning's activities.

Taking things apart.

Putting things together.

Finishing our Family Lamp.

Filling our beanbag chair. We started off alright.

This is where things started to go south.

The styrofoam got loose and we learned all about the principals of static cling. We even called in Rasheeda, the science teacher, to come and explain what was happening.

After much problem-solving, we realized that the only way to get the Catbirds clean was to vacuum them. So we vacuumed...and vacuumed...and vacuumed. Many of the Catbirds took a turn. It was a long and silly process.

We finished and had a birthday celebration.

Then we headed over to the 4rth grade Colonial Fair with our 2nd grade partners.

And finally, some much needed run around time!

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