Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentines Day! Our morning started off as usual with our morning jobs. Then the Catbirds headed to Art with Amanda where we worked on the next phase of our Catbirdland animals art project.

Today's phase was to create beautiful frames using tissue paper and glue to highlight the animal pictures we drew last class.

Back in the classroom, Valentine's Day excitement was growing as the Catbirds' love for their classmates continued to overflow. In an artistic outpouring of affection, many of our class decided to draw extra valentines to exchange with their friends as a choice in choice time. 

Or come together to do some creative building!

After a productive choice time, we came together for valentine exchanges and a special Valentine's Day Snack generously provided by our families! Having had a very full and busy morning, we took our energy outdoors.

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