Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Our First Adventure

We were all very busy this morning.

The Catbirds are coming together beautifully.

After snack, we headed outdoors to get ready for our walkabout. The Senior Catbirds were eager to help our new friends and teach them the important elements of adventuring.

We took some time to discuss the most important rule: STICK TOGETHER!

First stop - the circle.

Right away, we found a dragon hole.

Then a secret passage.

We stopped at the climbing/balancing/jumping wall.

Turns out we are pretty good climbers, balancer and jumpers.

We found a hill and another dragon hole.

We stopped in at the Farmhouse to meet and say hello to my friend Carol (the Catbirds thought it was funny that we have the same name).

We all hid and jumped out to surprise Christina.

We found this great pretend restaurant and stopped for a meal.

All the umbrellas had to be cranked up, which took some muscles.

We stopped at the bleachers, and some friends cheered, while others played an impromptu game of "Bubblegum." Not clear on the rules yet, although it does involve a lot of running into the soccer net. The Monkey Team won, for those of you keeping score.

Us cheering from the stands.

We stopped to rehydrate.

It was a wonderful first (of many) adventure.

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