Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Plants, Music and Cement Trucks

Morning Mail

Puzzling Puzzlers!

After Meeting for Worship in the Meetinghouse, we went to our favorite climbing spot

It's like a jungle in there

A few pictures on our favorite photo stump

Back we went

Raji stopped in to sing

And then we heard something... INCREDIBLE


We watched it mix the cement and pour it into giant holes

The workers were using lots of tools and machines that captured our attention

Back inside, Ao helped us doing some spring planting

And then it was time for Choice Time

Carol showed the Catbirds how some of the letters of the alphabet are used to name the notes on the keyboard. She explained how we will be using animals and letters to learn how to play songs...more to follow in days to come.

Dramatic play

Stencils and gears

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