Thursday, January 14, 2016

Making Rainsticks and Art

A Catbird brought in a new activity today that was all the buzz during free choice time.

The new keyboard got quite a bit of play, as friends learned how to make new sounds and rhythms.

We tried out the phonograph that Toni the librarian lent us...sounds coming at us in a new way.

Family play was very involved today.

After snack, we did some reading together.

We had a short huddle to lay out the rest of our day.

Then headed outside for a run in the sun.

Then it was time for Art class!

Amanda showed us how to do a new kind of printmaking.

It was pretty cool.

At Morning Meeting, we reviewed or projects. A new kind of watercoloring.

We will be using these as covers for the rainsticks we are making.

Friends chose their tubes and measured how long they wanted theirs to be.

Then we cut them down to size.

Other choices...

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