This blog post has some photo glitches that I am unable to correct at this time, in the form of randomly re-sized photos. So, if you notice that some pics are quite small while others are inordinately large, it has nothing to do with selective editing, and everything to do with random computer behavior. However, it was such a great day, we wanted to get the blog up, glitches and all.
Our morning began with an assembly.
We sang and danced.
We listened to an inspiring story.
On the way back, we stopped in the kitchen, to find out what the wonderful smell was.
It was brownies!
Back in the room, we readied for our adventure. Carol took out some cars and trees and people and showed the Catbirds where we were going. We talked about when we would need buddies, and how important they would be when we crossed the street.
Tiny buddies.
The Catbirds were tuned in.
After snack, we headed outside. We packed our wagon and got ready to go.
Then it was time to move out!
Friends got to run ahead and stopped at our special stopping places.
Like the Puddle Tree.
Then it was time to buddy up.
Carol and Danielle stopped traffic...
...and we all hurried across.
We kept our buddies until...
We got to the top of the Big Hill!
Then we all ran down.
Some friends needed a drink after all of that running.
We played and ran and jumped and had a most wonderful time.
Soon it was lunch time.
It was nice eating together on the soft grass.
Too soon, it was time to pack up and head back.
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