Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Monday's Experiment

Amy has been out sick this week, which means our picture-taking is quite limited. Here are a few peaks at our day on Monday.

I brought in a bowl of kale chips and told the Catbirds that they were NOT to eat them, as they are pure growing food. When I returned, they were gone!

We decorated stickers for Mr. C's banner for his 600th coaching win.

We had a half-birthday and some delicious cupcakes.

We played in the snow and flew some helicopters.

They are kind of small and hard to see, but some friends learned to fly them quite well.

Another experiment: Baking soda and vinegar.
Today's hypotheses:

"It will get wetter and wetter and change colors."
"It will change into soda pop!"
"It's gonna float and then go into the water and then we'll as Michelle or Carol for a different color."
"It will turn into a popsicle."
"It will turn into elephant toothpaste." 
"It might turn into lava!"

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