Saturday, December 13, 2014

Select Photos from Thursday and Friday


Our morning began with our Winter Program rehearsal, with special guests who played ukeleles

We secretly stayed after, so that we could dance and spin in the Music Room.

Many of the catbirds have taken to signing in with their alternative identities - these are some of the regular visitors to our room.

Carol was attacked by stuffed animals this morning.

Snow Time!

We made tiny snow people, and snow balls.

And Snow Art on the walls.

We skated...

...and ate snow...

...and hung out.

We were ready to come in and warm up.

Two Catbirds lead us in our Moment of Silence.

We discussed our Space Study, and friends suggested some things they wanted to learn about. Friends suggested some resources.

Choice Time: Moon Sand


Practicing our song for the show.


Demonstrating our song for the Lower School.
We did great!


Making art together.

Acorn pancake batter.

Making pancake shapes. All of the Catbirds got a turn to draw with the batter.

Telling stories in the hallway.

Surprising our friend, Rosanne, with birthday pancakes.

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