Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Our Day in Photos

Lots of music in the classroom yesterday afternoon...

And today we were off on our rhythm of sign-in, building, and dramatic play...

Friends helped to hang up new Spanish words

We joined the Cardinals and the Owls for a Meeting for Worship in the Music Room

Then, we headed outside to enjoy the beautiful weather

We even ate our snack outside!

We played the finger symbols in music class with Aedín

And then we practiced our song and performance for the upcoming Winter Program

Back outside, we transformed into dragons by walking through the complex Dragon Making Machine

We found a long dragon claw, too!

Meanwhile, other friends collaborated on constructing a pond in the sandbox...

And played hide-and-seek...

Then, there was flubber play for choice time well as self-portrait drawing/painting and magnatile building!

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