To challenge Los Catbirds, they were asked in Spanish
how will we get there;
¿Comó vamos a viajar? (How will we
en carro (by car)
en tren (by train)
en bote (by boat)
en bicicleta (by bicycle)
But, Los Catbirds are catching on and know that
our mode of transportation is by plane as they all responded, “en avión!” So, off we went en avión to our destination. Upon our return, we settled into this
Spanish speaking country and gathered in a semi
Next, we reviewed
the Spanish vocabulary words for some of the basic colores. Using cards that depicted each color, we reviewed the
Spanish word and placed the cards on the ground. To build energy for learning,
we sang the following to the tune of Frère
Red is rojo
Green is verde
Blue, azul
Black, negro
Yellow, amarillo
Purple is morado
Gray is gris
Brown, café
Then, we played the Swatter Game with three colors; amarillo, morado, y café. What a fruitful and fun way to help us reinforce learning!
the Swatter Game, we changed gears a bit and played another gratifying and amusing
game called, Luz verde, luz roja (“Green
Light, Red Light”). In this game, Los Catbirds
were invited to follow commands such as;
A command word is called and
modeled. Then, the luz verde is held
up and Los Catbirds would mimic the
act. Once the luz rojo was held up,
they were encouraged to freeze. What a funtastic
activity to help strengthen our listening skills as well as our ability to
observe. It is movement and music games like these that teach focus and perseverance
by asking children to stop, think, and act. (And you thought they were just playing.)
We finished our class with our traditional song, Adios, hasta luego, and Tori squeezing la vaca. ¡Gracias, Tori!
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