Saturday, January 29, 2022

This Was a Week of Wonder


Music class

Dancing and movement with scarves.

Making letters for our rainbow wall

This activity is called, "Sleeping." It is not. What it is is construction with the nap mats and what it is mostly is a running exercise in negotiation, sharing and compromise. A current favorite amongst Catbirds and a great example of the way the Catbirds find and create the kinds of play they need to help them learn.

We finally got to try our frozen flavored ice!

Lots of cool construction this week.

A puzzle team at work.

The drawing table is always open and rarely uninhabited in the Catbird classroom.

Building with big blocks.

Storytime and a great discussion about the first black female astronaut and fairness.

Making our people in Spanish class.

Alicia talking about making our people, choosing our colors and the many wonderful colors we are.


The beginning of our science experiment, in reverse order (because, technology)

The Catbirds were enthralled by the slooooooow oozing process of the slime from ceiling to bowl.

The oozing begins.

We introduced the science experiment - put the old slime in the colander and attach it to the ceiling. Catbirds shared their hypotheses as to what would happen. Would it flow? Were the holes too small?

PE class.

Catbird Birthday!
Blowing out the donut candle!

We had a zoom assembly and learned about Chinese New Year.

A balance challenge to start the day. Trying to walk across the big rug with a pillow on our heads.

Another big puzzle complete!

Art project.

We made the first of two batches of flubber/slime, to replace what we used in our science experiment.

Day 2 of our Science experiment found our flubber frozen, no longer flowing and feeling quite crunchy.

Art Class...making homes and environments for our chosen animals.

To follow up on our Chinese New Year Assembly, we shared mandarin oranges and tried rice balls (these received mixed reviews).

A Catbird demonstrating how to build a box with magnatiles.

Construction of a giant swimming pool.

Friends made signs to make sure that no one touched our experiment overnight


Friends working on a challenging puzzle.

Another birthday celebration this week!

We had some time out in the snow!

We had our second Book Genie Quiz on Friday. This is a fun way for friends to take a deep dive into a chosen book and then create a quiz for the class. Older Catbirds demonstrate comprehension and retention and are also able to assist the youngest Catbirds with their responses.

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