Wednesday, October 13, 2021

How Long is a Giraffes' Neck?


Things We Want 

to Learn About

How long are giraffes’ necks?

We took out many books from the library to get the answer to this question. We discovered that the average giraffe neck is 6 feet and a BIG giraffe has a neck 8 feet long. We found something in our room that measured 1 foot (the puzzles) and laid them out on a loooooong piece of paper that had a giraffe head at one end. First we measured 6, then 8 puzzles and drew lines down each side. Next, we cut out many many spots (we used the pictures in the giraffe books to see what shape they were) and made short cuts in rectangles for the mane. We laid them out until they looked right, then carefully glued them down. The whole class had a long discussion about where our giraffe would fit in the room, until we agreed on a place. We needed a ladder to put it up. We think it looks great! Giraffes have very long necks!

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