Monday, October 11, 2021

Grabbers and Hypotheses

The Catbirds don't like it when we find trash outside, so today we got a grabber to help us keep the earth looking good. Friends practiced by picking up papers and dropping them in the Bilibo. It doubly beneficial in that the task is fun and it helps develop hand strength and coordination.

Helping friends.

Our student teacher, Shaun, returned today. He was greeted with many hugs and cheers.

We introduced the word "hypothesis" today. Friends examined some seeds and we made hypothesis about what might happen if we keep them wet or moist for several days. Many friends hypothesized that the seeds would get bigger. Others thought they might turn into plants. We will use hypotheses as a way to test out our ideas throughout the years. (Try asking your Catbird if they remember the word or what it means).

Off to music class. I try and tune up everyone's heads before we go in.

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