Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Signs of Spring

Some friends went for a walkabout this morning.

We saw some signs of spring.

Tested our balance.

We stopped at the big library to see if they had any books about otters (this was a nice choice by the Catbirds, as they know how much Carol loves otters.

We had Storytime and learned about the word "jealous." We had a good discussion about what it means and how it feels.

After snack, we went outside for a little bit and played in the misty rain.

When it started to rain for real, we headed in for Choice Time.

We had Show and Tell.

Carol did a stamping demonstration, with help from the Catbirds.

Then many of them tried their hand.

Cup balancing was open.

As was sandbox,

and Sit and Spins.

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