Monday, March 2, 2020

Es Esto Para Niños o Niñas, o Para Los Dos? Is This for Boys or Girls or Both?

In Spanish, Alicia taught us the names of a variety of toys and then asked friends about whether they were for boys or girls or both. The Catbirds had a variety of opinions, although they did think that most toys could be played with by both girls and boys.

Despite these statements of equity, our morning play was pretty divided with girls playing family...

...and boys playing fire trucks.

We had a special birthday snack, as another Catbird turned 5!

A little time in the sunshine.

Then we headed to art!

Our clay pieces had been fired in the kiln.

Today we glazed them.

At Morning Meeting, we discussed the Catbirds' desire to have Show and Tell, and we used our tree cookies to choose the order.

One friend started, eagerly showing his friends a picture of himself as a baby.

We had a story.

Then headed outside to enjoy the beautiful day.

Before lunch, we sang Happy Birthday and, after we ate our growing food, we enjoyed some cake!

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