Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Bones for all

Today was a busy day for the Catbirds. First Justin came to the room to help us practice our song "How can we help?", Justin stayed a little bit longer and sang more songs with us.

During Meeting for worship Catbirds made teams of two. Each group chose an animal, then they had to build a house or structure for the animal they chose previously.
In this activity, friends practiced communication and social skills.

Great teamwork Catbirds!

Here we were going to the second grade room. Our buddies invited us to hear stories.
 Catbirds enjoyed the time with their second grade friends.

Catbirds enjoyed the stories and time with their second grade friends, at the same time the second grade friends felt very proud of themselves. 

After saying goodbye to our friends, we went to the Lower School Science room. Mike the Science teacher and also Augusts' dad, offered us to borrow a few bones to continue the study of them.

Catbirds went outside for a few minutes before going to the library.

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