Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Pajama Day

Everything's better in your pajamas. We had some great playtime and then friends got together to get our waffles mixed up. We had a delicious breakfast of whole wheat waffles and berries.

We started fort and tent building early and continued it throughout the day.

Friends posed in their pj's and we took photos of their lovies so we can make a matching game.

We headed outside to race around in the icy weather, and then headed in for morning meeting. We taught our stuffed animals how to breath deeply and settle into a moment of silence. Next was choice time and setting up more tents!

After lunch, we headed downstairs for the big show!

The Catbirds and their friends loved David Darwin's performance!

Back in the room, we had book time in our tents and under table time where friends got to lay on their backs and draw on paper taped under the table.

Our sleepiest Catbirds napped under a parachute.

It was a truly great day!

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