Monday, December 19, 2016

Music and Kindness

Our morning.

There was lots of music and even a book put to music!

It was a "Make New Sign In Cards Monday."
Today's additions: 
X-wing Pilot

We made ornaments for Winterfest.

We had snack, and a special Catbird family delivery of potato latkes and applesauce!

And big buildings.

Some Catbird puppies came to visit and we had a cold romp out in our garden.

Friends worked on their books...

...and their letters.

Our Chain of Kindness continues to grow - it is already taller than most friends and almost too many to count!

We had an early lunch today and headed off to rehearsal. Its hard to believe its almost time for the winter program! Don't forget the dress code - colorful, plain shirt and black pants.

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