Monday, December 12, 2016

All Together Again!

Some photos from last week...


Some sign in, cuddling and book reading, before we headed off to...


We worked on learning some names of clothing.

Then back to our room for lots of activities.

Fine motor skills.

It was new sign in cards day! (Every Monday).
Today's new cards:
"Will and Stevie's Aliens"
"Sticky Man"

Then we headed off to the Music room for rehearsal for the Winter Program.

Next, some times outside.

Working on the monkey bars and upper body strength.

Back inside for Morning Meeting.

We had our first animal report - on butterflies. We heard about what butterflies need to eat and live, and saw some beautiful pictures and drawings. We realized that we are going to have to think about our climate, so that we can decide whether different animals can live in Catbirdland.

After she was finished, our presenter answered questions from her friends. We plan to do one or two presentations a day, so don't forget to finish your homework!

Table time after rest time.

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