Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Off to the Magic Forest

After signing in,

and taking care of our bugs,

and a few other things...

we packed up our wagons and headed out with the Cardinals and the Catbirds.

After a lovely hike, we made it to the Big Hill.

We played and had snack.

The kindergartners joined us. So did Keisha.

We had our final music class outside in a giant group.

We said goodbye to our kindergarten friends.

Then we headed into the Magic Forest.

We all answered one questons, so the troll would let us over the bridge (What is our favorite place to go? THE MAGIC FOREST!)

We saw many magical sights.

We opened the gate and ran inside.

We were starving! We at lunch right away.

Then we played and explored.

Then, it was time to head back. We were tired.

We saw more magical sights.

When we got back, we got some much-needed rest.

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