Friday, March 16, 2018

Stick Hunting

Our day began with assembly and "Where Are We Going Today?"

Then the 1st graders sang a song related to one of the heroes in the Hero Museum.

We had a fast run outside.

We headed out on a stick finding adventure.

We needed new sticks for the outdoor play area, and one BIG stick to make treee cookies.

We found many.

Carol cut them up into tree cookies.

We had morning meeting and story time.

We talked about what we would be making with our tree cookies, and introduced sandpaper.

After Choice Time, we headed outside.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A Day About Peace

Tuesday afternoon at table time.

Ten counters and pattern making.

Cutting with scissors.

Wednesday morning, making play dough cookies.

Early snack, to get ready for workshops.

A visiting rock star.

Friends headed off to different Peace workshops that they selected yesterday. They got to participate in a variety of activities with all of the lower school students.

Here was Yoga and Dance in the music

This is Peace jewelry making.


Peaceful Painting.

Sign making

Mandela coloring.

At 10am, we joined together in a circle under the trees.

With Rich and Raji playing guitars and Keisha lead us in songs of peace.

Back to our room for story time and morning meeting.

Choice Time