Tuesday first thing was library and time to hear some stories and get new books.
Michelle read us two books about making friends.
Then we were off to make our selections.
After snack, we headed out to check out the falling snow.
We worked on catching snowflakes in our mouths.
At morning meeting, we read, "The Red Balloon." It is quite an old book that Carol remembered when we were practicing imagining balloons yesterday.
Friends liked it a lot, and we discussed having a friend that doesn't always do what we want, but that comes through when we need them.
Choice time.
Much complicated construction going on.
Our 3rd graded buddies picked us up for Meeting for Worship. We love walking over with our friends.
We had snack and choice time (please excuse the limited photos, our camera took a tumble and isn't up to par)
We had a little time to run outside...we had to go fast to keep warm.
When we came in, we had a special treat...we watched the movie from our book of the week, "The Red Balloon."