Thursday, May 28, 2015

Muddy Creek Walkin'

We had rehearsal for the Spring Program this morning.

Then we celebrated with a healthy snack of fruit, cheese, bagels and whipped cream sprayed directly into our mouths. Just because.

Before we left in search of mud, we had a meeting to discuss what to do, in case we got muddy.
It went something like this:
"What happens if you get mud on you?"
"Then you have mud on you."
"But what if you get mud on your clothes?"
"Then you have mud on your clothes!"
"But what if you don't want to get muddy?"
"Then don't go in the mud!"
"Does anyone NOT want to get muddy?" (No hands went up).
"But what if you get mud on your face?"
"Then you have mud on your face!"
"What if you fall down in the mud?"
"Then you have mud ALL OVER!"

You get the idea.

And we were off!

We found a little bit of mud.

But not

we headed to the creek.

We got water in our boots.

It was fun!