Today we began a new project that was off to a very fun and messy start.
Carol explained the process of mixing up plaster. Friends tried to predict what would happen to it, after we put it inside some balloons - along with a tiny dinosaur skeleton. Many of the predictions were dire, and involved the balloons getting bigger and bigger and bigger until they finally EXPLODED and got plaster all over everything in the whole world.
Its a good thing we did this outside, because it did pretty much get all over the entire world. Friends took turns mixing and pouring the plaster, and then squeezing the dinosaurs into the balloons. We tied them off with string and hung them from the fence.
The Catbirds got very excited when they came back to check on them and discovered that they had gotten warm and solid! They tried to figure out how this happened. We have some more to make before we go to the next secret step (Hint: It involves digging and small hammers...don't tell!)