Monday, March 11, 2024

March 4 - March 8, 2024


Monday, March 4

One of the Catbirds brought a very fun face-changing book in to share with friends.

Off to PE

A stop off at the jumping wall

Voting on the story for the day. 
Good counting practice.

The winner!

Tuesday, March 4

Choice Time


Some visitors from kindergarten. Some Catbirds went to Raji's class.

A Catbird brought a book to read to the class

Working on our 3 Little Pigs Books

Art class

Wednesday, March 6

Drawing with stencils

Voting on our story

A birthday celebration

A video about the sense of taste

Music class

Balancing cups

Calling the Catbird ghost at lunch

Visitors in Raji's room

Best Building book

Spanish class. Working on our people

Friday March 8

Getting prepped for our adventure

Outside snack on a beautiful day.



New books

A Beginning letter quiz

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