Monday, January 8, 2024

In Search of Cookies - January 8, 2024

The guinea pigs returned today. They have been living together over break with Carol's dog, Nyla, intervening with a stern face whenever they started fighting. We are hoping they can reside together moving forward.

On the way back from gym, we smelled sugar cookies, so we went in search of them. We got to visit many classrooms and asked everyone if they had sugar cookies.  We finally found the source in Roxanne's room in the middle school. It was a wax fragrance lamp which she let us see and smell. Interesting, albeit somewhat disappointing.

When we got back to our class, Carol received an email from Roxanne. She said that her students were quite enamored with the Catbirds (our cuteness is the weight we bear). She asked if they could come tomorrow at snack time tomorrow and bring us SUGAR COOKIES! I, of course, said yes, but I didn't tell the Catbirds, so it will be a surprise!

We are in the process of reading every version of the Three Little Pigs that we can find and figuring out what is the same and what is different. (If you have one, let me know). Today we read, The Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig.  It was strangely the same and different.


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