Friday, December 6, 2019

Saying Goodbye to Vicki

We started our morning making banana bread for Vicki's Going Away Party.

Then, we blew up balloons, and everything became about balloons for quite awhile.

When we headed down to check on the banana bread, we took our balloons to the extended day room.

"Raise your balloon if you like ice cream."

Extra special snack with Vicki.

What happens to balloons when you take them outside...

We had morning meeting with Vicki (no pics) and the Catbirds got to ask her questions. She promised to come visit us. Friends had made her a book with photos and coloring and painting and quotes. She was very touched. Then we had a short Choice Time.

Vicki brought us some new musical instruments for our classroom and friends were really eager to try them out.

Lunch Convener

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