Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Balloon Launch!

It was a lovely morning.

We had some time to do our jobs, play and hang out with our families.

We worked on our baby dressing skills.

Knick Knack and Paddywhack got some love and grass.

We built some cool stuff.

Then we cleaned up and had morning meeting. One of the Catbirds brought in a book to share. Then we discussed our day: Someone's dad was going to launch a weather balloon with his middle school class and we were invited to come watch!
We made plans of the things we should bring (like water bottles and toys to play with), and then we had snack and got ready.

It was a gorgeous day to be outside!

While we waited for the balloon to be ready, we enjoyed the weather, some toys and our friends.

Lots of folks came out to watch.

We got front row seats!

We watched them inflate the balloon and attach a parachute.

Then they tied on a house that looked just like the one from "Up."

We got to count down for the launch.

After it took off, we stayed out for a while longer and watched the students practice the Maypole dance for Arbor Day.

Inside, we had another story, then Choice Time.

There were magnatiles and cars.


And monster making.

As well as dramatic play

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