Sunday, March 11, 2018

Colonial Fair and Physics in the Snow

We had Spanish this morning, and Alicia began by reading, "The Color of Us."

We looked at the different shades of all of us and Alicia explained the project we would be working on - creating a likeness of ourselves in various colors and complete with clothes, as we learn the names of our clothing in Spanish!

Then we headed off to the Fourth Grade Colonial Fair!

We learned all kinds o finteresting stuff about how people in colonial times lived.

Sewing, embroidery and tatting.

We visited the apothecary.

He let us smell some of his oils.

Here we are at the cobblers.

We helped her paint some shoes.

A stop at the farm market.

The printer let us write with a feather quill pen.

We explored the replica of Independence Hall that the class had made out of cardboard

Back for morning meeting, story time and snack.

Then out for snow play!

Some friends spent a long time engineering a way to get this huge snowball on top of the other one. They experimented with levers, catapults and ramps.


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