Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Summer Math

Summer is a great time for fun and relaxation.  Why not incorporate math into that summer fun?   There are many fun and engaging ways to practice math over the summer.  

Here are some ideas:
  •       Play games on our brand new lower school math website! Find the site at: and check out the EC/K section for games geared at 3, 4, 5 and 6 year olds.
  •  Talk to your child about numbers.  Are they able to break them apart and put them back together?  For example, can they find a few different ways to make the number 5? 10?
  • Have a measurement scavenger hunt using body parts- what can you find that is about as long as your hand?  Your foot? Your whole body?
  •  When engaging in math activities, ask open ended questions, such as, “How did you know?” to encourage your child to verbalize his or her thinking.
  • Try to incorporate “math talk” into your day-to-day conversations.  Count your steps when you are going for a walk, estimate the number of people in a group, and find shapes when you are out and about.
  •  Read Math Books!-(Check out the ‘Parent Resources’ section of the Lower School Math website for suggestions)

Best Wishes for a Math Filled Summer!

Jeanne Calloway, Lower School Math Specialist

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