Friday, May 24, 2024

Off to the Magic Forest!

 It was a great day!

We had Spanish

Had snack and then had a meeting to get ready to go. We went over our plans and the important rules of adventuring.

We had some sips of water to get ready and packed up our wagons.

We stopped at the Puddle Tree.

We stopped at the Climbing Tree Jungle.

We had some more sips of water

We learned how to use the 16 Horsepower Candy Red Catbird Rope and crossed the road.

We saw the strange brick tree

And raced down the Giant Hill!

A lot

There was stage dancing

We played in the playhouse

A spontaneous game of Duck Duck Goose.

Then our 6th grade buddies showed up!

We walked, excitedly, into the Magic Forest, 

and sat together for lunch.

We played in the faucet

We walked down to the lake

Then it was time to head back.