Saturday, September 14, 2024

Getting in the Groove - Learning and Teaching the Ways of the Catbirds

We spent part of the week getting our name cards and cookies together to help us make choices throughout the day.

Working on our tree cookies. These help friends learn names of friends and letters, as well as choose who goes next for a wide variety of activities.

Our first trip to the library.

First PE class

First Art class

This is our Choice Time chart. We learned how to us it today and how to "read" the cards by letters and pictures.

Our first Music class. Keisha came to the room this week. Next week, we will go see her in the music room.

We went adventuring around the school. We stopped in to see Justin, who teaches chorus. We got to sing a song with him!

We found a wild pumpkin patch

We toured the upper school library

We went to the balancing wall and jumped off!

Off on another adventure.

We headed to the creek for some fishing